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United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA) Singapore

The United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA) is a member of the United World College (UWC) Movement which comprises ten non-profit making colleges around the world. The emphasis in a UWC education is upon service, cultural and political sensitivity and all round achievement in both the academic and activity areas.

UWCSEA has 2,855 students from 68 nationalities and educates students from Kindergarten 1 to grade 12 (ages 4 to 18). The three schools within UWCSEA are the Elementary School (K1 to grade 5), Middle School (grades 6 to 8) and High School (grades 9 to 12). A two-year IGCSE course is offered in grades 9 and 10 and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma is offered in grades 11 and 12. It is one of the world's largest IB Diploma schools and for 24 years has achieved superb exam results. There are almost 250 full- and part- time teachers from 25 nationalities.

Students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities which include sports, music, drama and social service options.  All IB students join one of more than 30 Singapore -based social service projects, visiting every week for at least one academic year.  Service takes place after lessons and students volunteer in their free time.  Students visit residential homes and day care centres for the elderly or physically and intellectually disabled.

Extra curricular activities include sports, music, art and drama

The Global Concerns programme creates an awareness of international development and environmental issues and is supported by all students at every level.  Global Concerns is a dynamic initiative, which enables students to put their ideals into action by establishing project groups, which actively address specific development and environmental issues about which the students care deeply.  Students are educated about global issues; they are introduced to concepts of leadership and organization and encouraged to establish their own initiatives, which they present to a student-managed committee for approval.  Students' efforts have resulted in the building of schools in Swaziland, Nepal and Aceh, Indonesia.  Every year students go to Cambodia to build houses for Tabitha, one of the thirty two groups currently supported by Global Concerns.

All students starting in Grade 3 participate in a class expedition outside of Singapore .  From Taman Negara in Malaysia to sea kayaking in Tioman, students not only gain new skills but the trips provide the opportunity to bond with their classmates.

Project Week is a part of the International Baccalaureate's CAS programme (Creative, Action and Service) and is compulsory for all Grade 11 students. The students embark on a project, in groups of three to five students, which may be linked with one of the school's many Global Concern organisations or their own project.

UWCSEA has gap year projects for those students who wish to continue their involvement in development and environmental initiatives. Current gap year projects include establishing a resource centre in Kigama, located in western Kenya and students teaching English in Phnom Penh at the Centre for Children's Happiness.

Members of the community should: be curious about, and respect the worth of every member of humanity irrespective of geographical location or culture; actively pursue a global and local commitment to increasing the welfare of other people; be rigorous intellectually and reject prejudice. Additionally, students should strive to exploit fully their talents in the academic, moral, aesthetic, physical and social contexts to contribute better to society as a well rounded person.

The area of the College campus is 11 hectares, located in a prime area of Singapore , and extensive new facilities. It is the world's largest International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma school and for 24 years has achieved superb exam results. The College is based on a clearly defined mission statement that is underpinned by values, guiding principles, and a College ethos.

United World College of South East Asia
1207 Dover Road
Singapore 139654
Phone: (+65) 6775 5344
Fax: (+65) 6778 5846




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