Admiral Farragut Academy accepts local day students entering
Kindergarten-12th grade and international boarding students entering 8th-12th
grade or their postgraduate year. To all of its students, the Academy provides a
globally diverse student experience, comprehensive academic structure, and
strong character and leadership development.
Farragut's Top Priorities
The safety of our students is
paramount and we ensure that our
students are physically and
psychologically free from harm.
Admiral Farragut Academy is on a
gated campus with a security
officer on duty at all times.
Academic Programs
Admiral Farragut Academy, we
offer excellent,
mission-appropriate offerings
that prepare students for the
next level. Starting in
Kindergarten students are
exposed to Science Technology
Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM), a global language
(Spanish), and science through
our classroom touch tanks. Learn
more about our
Lower School Curriculum.
Parents choose Farragut because
we give each child the
opportunity to develop a strong
sense of values and morals. Our
faculty and staff are committed
to helping our students on their
journeys of self-discovery by
modeling integrity,
self-discipline, perseverance,
and wellness while preparing
them for 21st-century challenges
within a global society. As a
school with an international
student body, Farragut is the
perfect place to foster a
cross-cultural understanding and
love of learning. Learn more
Admiral Farragut Academy's
mission and core values.
With small class sizes, our
teachers are also able to meet
students where they are and tap
into their full potential.
Students at Farragut become
accustomed that learning doesn't
just happen within the confines
of the classroom, it happens
when they develop close
relationships with their
teachers and peers.
Quick Facts
Our beautiful waterfront campus is located in sunny and
tropical St. Petersburg, Florida.
100% College Acceptance
Our graduates succeed in college as organized, accountable,
self-disciplined, and respectful young men and women.